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Artist Statement:

My subject matter may appear at first to be of inspiring and timeless iconic personalities in the celebrity and fashion world, but look closer and below the surface…and there lies another world.

When I paint I do it slowly as I enter into this world one slow heart beat at a time. This is my personal and soulful journey.  It is one that takes me away from just painting a subject matter to getting up close to it, seeing the subtle nuances of shape, form and dimension, to eventually experience its essence. It becomes a spiritual experience.  I’m awed by this process and always try to capture each moment and stay in it.

Up close my florals show me their deep valleys, sand-dune like mounds, smokey, cloud like formations and delicate nuances. Sometimes I feel a strong instinct to push past these delicate floral subtleties, and paint strongly the excitement I feel when I perceive passionate colours coming alive before me like a miraculous explosion. It is my experience and journey I speak of. It is the relationship I have with my canvas in my studio and in my practice. It transcends the everyday and it is a dance from flower to canvas to emerging shapes, forms and muses. It inspires me each day and I wish to share it with the world.

Published feature articles:

West of The City magazine
November 2022, 20th anniversary edition

Neighbours of Glen Abbey
Cover page and feature article
October 2022 issue


Interview with Stella Jurgen from Stella’s Studio, on Camoes TV, at Summer and Grace Gallery (Oct. 2nd, 2022)

Current work on display in downtown Oakville:

Summer and Grace Gallery
Artifacts Lifestyle
The Wine Bar Oakville. 

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